Mountain Bike Bill, The Dirt on the Dirt

Winter in San Diego

My how time flies.    It been a while since my last post.  I would like to say that I have been too busy riding my bike to post, but that is simply not the case.  Between work, family, the holidays and a handful of the other things getting to the keyboard has just not been happening.


However I have been getting out and about and doing some research and just seeing stuff.    Valley of the Moon out near Jacumba is really cool and I am planning to spend some more time out there.


I have also been riding some trails that I’m obliged to not publish.


The recent rains have certainly greened this up around the county.   Above is Raptor Ridge just east of Lake Hodges.


Some more of the greenery.


Cruising the Del Dios Trail


One of the latest chasing the sun after-work rides


We did not leave any daylight unused on this ride.