Mountain Bike Bill, The Dirt on the Dirt

2009 Opener – The Los Pinos Trail

What a great way to start off the new year with some dirt I have never been on.  It has been on the list for quite a few years but I had never gotten around to get getting on it. From what I have been told we hit the trail when it was in the best condition in years.   This trail is not for everyone, ummmm it would probably not be a stretch to say this trail is not for most riders.  It has a grunch of hike-a-biking and some steep and often hairy descents.  I’ll be getting a page up on the site before long on this one.  For now here are some pics.

Rodman with some earlier “Just a Warmup” Hike-A-Bike.

The views did not suck all day.

Some of the mild Downage.

Where is Waldo on this brutal Hike-A-Bike Section?

Here’s a hint.

Mark on one of the ridable climbs.  We were on the peak in the distance earlier.

More trail goodness.

Pretty much all the Hike-A-Bikage is done now.  The San Juan Trail works it way along the face of the Sugarloaf peak in the distance.

Some techie bit near the bottom.

All in All, I would have to say we brought in the Newt Year in right!

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One thought on “2009 Opener – The Los Pinos Trail”

  1. I am posting this in the Orange County trails section because it is as close as I can get to the “trail maps” content area of the site.

    Just a heads-up on Wood Canyon trails in OC – first, you need to add Robber’s Cave single track down by the bottom of Mathis (follows a similar line to that followed by Coyote Run and you can continue from one to the other in a more or less continuous run). Second, they just opened up Car Wreck trail – a technical single track that starts just off the top of Mathis and joins up at the bottom of the Mathis trail. This trail has been closed for some time; I have been hearing people saying 9 or 10 years. It belongs in the same category as Lynx or Rockit, and has some steep downhills as well as its own rock garden section. Definitely something to check out on a hot day when proximity to the ocean is a huge benefit.

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