Mountain Bike Bill, The Dirt on the Dirt

Local Wanderings In San Diego

In addition to all of the rain we are getting here in San Diego this winter (Which is a good thing) life has been busy over the month.  Nichol and I bought a house and we have been pretty well occupied with closing that deal and then moving in and setting up shop so to say.


Most of rides during this time frame has been what I would categorize as local “maintenance” rides.   I have been out to Anderson Truck Trail a few times.


Daley Ranch has spent a good bit of time in the rotation as it is one of the more rain tolerant riding areas around the area.   I have also hit up La Costa a time or two.


Now MTB Life has not been all about just the same ole same ole.   I revisited some old places that have had a new batch of trail gnomes out doing to good things.  I’m not a liberty at this point to provide details but don’t be afraid to look around near your own backyard.


There are is plenty of green out and about right now, and so should you.   Ride On!