Mountain Bike Bill, The Dirt on the Dirt

I love cardboard

I love cardboard boxes.   Some of the coolest things ever have come to me by way of cardboard boxes.   Look at the worderfully inscribed boxes that have graced my presence as of late.

Oh this box is so foxy!

And this box is just downright Intense!

There were a couple of boxes that were plain and unadorned.  But inside of the bad boys were cool and shiny bits looking to get together for a bit of fun.   Who was I to refuse?  I picked up my new Intense 6.6 and buildkit yesterday on my way up to a July 4th thing at my Mother-In-Laws.   What a better way to spend time at your Mother-In-Laws than hiding out in the backyard and putting together a bike.   I bought all my tools along just for that purpose.

I got the frame in the really killer custom “Red Works” color which is a translucent red over the top of the works finish which allows for the various weld marks to show through the red in various suttle shades. 

Close red
This picture really does not do this finish justice.

I got everything put together and aligned.   I still need to trim down the brake lines but that will have to wait until after the weekend when I can pick up some more mineral oil.   One thing that will not wait is a ride.  I’m gonna hit the trail with this bad boy tomorrow.

Da Bike

Here is the quick low down on the bike setup:

Large 6.6 Red Works Frame with RP23 shock
Fox 36 TALAS RC2
Spinergy Xyclone Enduro Wheelset with Kenda Kinetics 2.6 Stick-E tires
XT Drivetrain, derailuers and shifters
XTR Brakes
Thompson Elite seatpost
Titec Hellbent Bars
Titec 100mm stem (gonna put a shorter stem on)
Intense saddle.

Have not weighed yet, but I guessing 31-32lbs.

One thing this bike is certainly missing is some dirt!  �